
Manual Testing


(these instructions have not been tested in Windows)

CIMI will be running over HTTPS (through Traefik). Since this is a development and testing environment, we’ll use a special CIMI HTTP header (slipstream-authn-info:internal ADMIN) to bypass user authentication and authorization, by impersonating admin. Let’s also assume that the TLS certificates in-use were self-signed, thus we’ll need -k. Finally, for creating and modifying resources, the expected payload is always JSON, so we’ll need the HTTP header content-type:application/json).

For simplicity, let’s setup the 4 possible operations in CIMI:


alias mf2c-curl-post="curl -XPOST -k -H 'slipstream-authn-info:internal ADMIN' -H 'content-type:application/json' "


alias mf2c-curl-get="curl -XGET -k -H 'slipstream-authn-info:internal ADMIN' "


alias mf2c-curl-put="curl -XPUT -k -H 'slipstream-authn-info:internal ADMIN' -H 'content-type:application/json' "


alias mf2c-curl-delete="curl -XDELETE -k -H 'slipstream-authn-info:internal ADMIN' "

Let’s also assume the test CIMI server is running at localhost.

Cloud Entry Point

When CIMI is ready, the cloud-entry-point should be available:

mf2c-curl-read https://localhost/api/cloud-entry-point

Adding a new user

If the SMTP configuration is enabled, you shall receive a user validation email (check the SPAM folder).

curl -XPOST -k -H 'content-type:application/json' https://localhost/api/user -d '''
    "userTemplate": {
        "href": "user-template/self-registration",
        "password": "testpassword",
        "passwordRepeat" : "testpassword",
        "emailAddress": "your_email@",
        "username": "testuser"


You must have validated the user before you can login. To login, simply create a session.

curl -XPOST -k -H 'content-type:application/json' https://localhost/api/session --cookie-jar ~/cookies -b ~/cookies -d '''
    "sessionTemplate": {
        "href": "session-template/internal",
        "username": "testuser",
        "password": "testpassword"

Get a collection of any resources

To retrieve all the records of a certain resource type, simply do:

mf2c-curl-read https://localhost/api/<resourceName>

where resourceName is something like user, service, device, etc.

Filter a collection of resources

To filter for a specific set of resources, use CIMI’s filtering grammar. Example:

mf2c-curl-read 'https://cimi/api/<resourceName>?$filter=<AttrName>="<Value>"&$filter=<AttrName2><=<Value2>&$orderby=<AttrName3>:desc'

Get a specific resource

To get a specific resource, use its unique ID:

mf2c-curl-read https://localhost/api/<resourceName>/<uuid>

Create a new service

Example with only required fields:

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/service -d '''
   "name": "compss-hello-world",
   "exec": "mf2c/compss-test:it2",
   "exec_type": "compss",
   "agent_type": "normal"

Example with all optional fields:

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/service -d '''
    "name": "compss-hello-world",
    "description": "Hello World Service",
    "exec": "mf2c/compss-test:it2",
    "exec_type": "compss",
    "exec_ports": [8080],
    "agent_type": "normal",
    "num_agents": 2,
    "cpu_arch": "x86-64",
    "os": "linux",
    "memory_min": 1000,
    "storage_min": 100,
    "disk": 100,
    "req_resource": ["Location"],
    "opt_resource": ["SenseHat"]

Create a service instance

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/service-instance -d '''
   "user": "testuser",
       "device_id": "3dfe332d-dbd6-49c0-9788-56457a6d781b",
       "device_ip": "",
       "parent_device_id": "11fe332d-dbd6-49c0-9788-56457a6d78cc",
       "parent_device_ip": "",
       "service": "a5fe332d-dbd6-4ff0-9788-56457a6d7813",
       "agreement": "15fe311d-dbd6-4ff0-9711-56457a6d7819",
       "status": "waiting",
       "service_type": "swarm",
       "agents": [
               {"compss_app_id": "523242342121", "url": "", "ports": [8081], "container_id": "10asd673f", "status": "waiting",
                       "device_id": "3dfe332d-dbd6-49c0-9788-56457a6d781b", "allow": true, "master_compss": true, "app_type": "swarm"},
               {"compss_app_id": "", "url": "", "ports": [8081], "container_id": "99asd673f", "status": "waiting",
                       "device_id": "3dfe332d-d556-49c0-9788-56457a6d7889", "allow": true, "master_compss": false, "app_type": "swarm"}

Create a “sharing-model” record

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/sharing-model -d '''
  "user_id": "user/testuser2",
  "device_id": "device/c749fcbb-651d-4ae6-877a-125e372398a4",
  "gps_allowed": false,
  "max_cpu_usage": 3,
  "max_memory_usage": 3,
  "max_storage_usage": 3,
  "max_bandwidth_usage": 3,
  "battery_limit": 50

Create a user profile

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/user-profile -d '''
  "user_id": "user/testuser2",
  "device_id": "device/c749fcbb-651d-4ae6-877a-125e372398a4",
  "service_consumer": true,
  "resource_contributor": true,
  "max_apps": 1

Create an service level agreement

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/agreement -d '''
    "id": "a02",
    "name": "Agreement 02",
    "state": "stopped",
        "id": "a02",
        "type": "agreement",
        "name": "Agreement 02",
        "provider": { "id": "mf2c", "name": "mF2C Platform" },
        "client": { "id": "c02", "name": "A client" },
        "creation": "2018-01-16T17:09:45.0Z",
        "expiration": "2019-01-17T17:09:45.0Z",
        "guarantees": [
                "name": "TestGuarantee",
                "constraint": "[test_value] < 10"

Create an SLA violation

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/sla-violation -d '''
    "guarantee" : "TestGuarantee",
    "datetime" : "2018-04-11T10:39:51.527008088Z",
    "agreement_id" : {"href": "agreement/4e529393-f659-44d6-9c8b-b0589132599b"},
    "constraint": "var1 < 100 and var2 > 100",
    "values": { "var1": 101, "var2": 100 }

Add a new device

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/device -d '''
"deviceID": "fd97ac4cf865e108c143c57428f742022f38653f1f4c4166938a3154d7b5818967fd27dae6422a2b1da1ceb8dc9d25f3585ab7b4039c96b5d9ad43acb7dce0ff",
"isLeader": false,
"os": "Linux-4.15.0-45-generic-x86_64-with-debian-9.7",
"arch": "x86_64",
"cpuManufacturer": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U CPU @ 1.80GHz",
"physicalCores": 4,
"logicalCores": 8,
"cpuClockSpeed": "1.8000 GHz",
"memory": 7873.7734375,
"storage": 195865.0234375,
"agentType": "Fog agent",
"networkingStandards": "['eth0', 'lo']",
"hwloc": "/bin/sh: 1: hwloc-ls: not found\n",
"cpuinfo": "xml info CPU"

Add the device-dynamic info

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/device-dynamic -d '''
    "device": {"href": "device/f14de9c3-9221-4f51-84bf-b3836bad601a"},
    "ramFree": 3060.19140625,
    "ramFreePercent": 38.9,
    "storageFree": 168181.26171875,
    "storageFreePercent": 90.5,
    "cpuFreePercent": 79.5,
    "powerRemainingStatus": "39.74431818181818",
    "powerRemainingStatusSeconds": "BatteryTime.POWER_TIME_UNLIMITED",
    "powerPlugged": true,
    "ethernetAddress": "[snicaddr(family=<AddressFamily.AF_INET: 2>, address='', netmask='', broadcast='', ptp=None), snicaddr(family=<AddressFamily.AF_PACKET: 17>, address='02:42:ac:12:00:0e', netmask=None, broadcast='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', ptp=None)]",
    "wifiAddress": "Empty",
    "ethernetThroughputInfo": ["13178", "8956", "18", "68", "0", "0", "0", "0"],
    "wifiThroughputInfo": ["E", "m", "p", "t", "y"],
    "actuatorInfo": "Please check your actuator connection",
    "sensors": [{"sensorType": "Temperature", "sensorModel": "DHT22", "sensorConnection": "{\"baudRate\": 5600}"}]

Create a fog area

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/fog-area -d '''
    "leaderDevice": {"href": "device/123refegh"},
    "numDevices": 10,
    "ramTotal": 56789.90,
    "ramMax": 4569.34,
    "ramMin": 1478.34,
    "storageTotal": 120003456798.23456,
    "storageMax": 345678000.23456,
    "storageMin": 3456789.248,
    "avgProcessingCapacityPercent": 88.6,
    "cpuMaxPercent": 98.2,
    "cpuMinPercent": 56.7,
    "avgPhysicalCores": 4,
    "physicalCoresMax": 6,
    "physicalCoresMin":  2,
    "avgLogicalCores" : 4,
    "logicalCoresMax": 6,
    "logicalCoresMin": 2,
    "powerRemainingMax": "Device has unlimited power source",
    "powerRemainingMin": "88.2"

Add the service operation report

mf2c-curl-post https://localhost/api/service-operation-report -d '''
    "serviceInstance": {"href": "service-instance/asasdasd"},
    "operation": "newMethod",
    "execution_time": 123.32